So I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping the Gum Ball blog updated. I meant to last Friday and forgot, took a picture Monday and forgot to post it, and so now it's today.
Monday's Gum Ball is fair of face.
It's grown since then :) Though I still don't think it's growing as fast as we had imagined it would. We've been chewing a lot of 5 Solstice because that wrapper is the sky color in the mural.
Friday's Gum Ball is loving and giving.
This passed week also saw the commencement of the gum spitting contest between Jake and I. It started as an "I wonder..." type of situation last week and evolved into a full blown competition this week. The goal is simple: spit your gum into the bucket with the lid on from a distance of about 4 ft. We also have the stipulation that the other has to witness any made shot. Gum can be reshot if the first shot misses (yes, that means what you probably think it means).

Neither of us has made it yet but there have been a few close ones. So just a word to the wise, watch out for flying gum...
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